Ideas get to life

Fipal S.r.l. is present on the market as a packaging machine manufacturer.

Since its early years, the company pursued a code of conduct driven by work, research, technological development, ethics, and the appreciation of people, essential traits for a constant growth based on sound and unalienable principles.

In over 20 years of experience, following these principles enhanced our credibility as well as the esteem and satisfaction of our customers, which is primary goal for Fipal.

Progettazione impianti e macchine packaging

Research and development

Our team of engineers conducts a continuous process of research and development on new technologies available: new mechanical, electronic and IT systems that increasingly improve our quality standards and thus the reliability of our machines.

Rete commerciale di Fipal, produttore di impianti e macchine packaging

Sales network

Thanks to our team of highly skilled sales representatives, and to its widespread presence in over than 15 countries across Europe, Asia, Americas and Africa, Fipal – packaging machine manufacturer – has always been able to promptly address customers needs, by providing its expertise and quality in finding the best solution to every issue.

Research and development

Our team of engineers conducts a continuous process of research and development on new technologies available: new mechanical, electronic and IT systems that increasingly improve our quality standards and thus the reliability of our machines.

Sales network

Thanks to our team of highly skilled sales representatives, and to its widespread presence in over than 15 countries across Europe, Asia, Americas and Africa, Fipal – packaging machine manufacturer – has always been able to promptly address customers needs, by providing its expertise and quality in finding the best solution to every issue.

Industry 4.0

With the arrival of Industry 4.0, Fipal did not let the opportunity to increase its competence get away. In fact, Fipal acted on more fronts. First of all, Fipal introduced the use of virtual reality as a tool not only during the planning of a project but also during its implementation, giving the customer the opportunity to “really” see how the line looks inside the facility, and above all how it will operate. It is a considerable advantage, providing better support in making individual choices while drafting a project, especially in terms of the prevention of potential future issues.

With the Industry 4.0 in mind, Fipal also offers an improved after-sales service, which assists the customer even after the plant start-up, by monitoring the actual functionality of the machines through remote support. This tool allowed Fipal, packaging machine manufacturer, to continually monitor the machines and, in case of malfunctions or improper conditions of use, to warn the customer promptly in advance. A service that we consider as one of our greatest strengths, because the customer is not only assisted during the implementation of the project but, above all, during the later stages, concerning the actual functionality of the equipment.


In 1995, after extensive experience as a technical department, consisting of a team of prominent designers from the packaging industry, FIPAL specialised in the design and construction of packaging machines for the beverage, food and chemical industries.

Since the beginning, the company gained increasing success on the market, thanks to the reliability, functionality and versatility of its machines, with a consistent growth rate from year to year.
In 2000, FIPAL moved a significant step forward, after receiving ISO 9001 No. 50 100 0496 certification from the TUV Management Service as “designer and manufacturer of packaging machines”.
In the following years FIPAL, packaging machine manufacturer, provides automated end-of-line solutions and special machines for various sectors of industrial automation, designed for low production rates.
In 2010, FIPAL thoroughly revamped all the machines of its range, thanks to its highly skilled personnel bringing a remarkable sense of enthusiasm and openness as well as professionalism and expertise to the company.

New patents, technologies and innovative solutions for medium-sized production lines (up to 30000 bph), allowed the company to reach the leading international corporations of the beverage sector, improving its reputation and competence. The coming of the fourth industrial revolution gave the company the opportunity to make a massive leap into the future and, in 2017, FIPAL took its chance implementing virtual reality during project planning, and remote customer support for monitoring the installed plants.
Today FIPAL, packaging machine manufacturer, keeps growing at a consistent rate, boasting a remarkable technological and professional heritage. The key to the company success lies in the attention to customer needs and the dynamism of the company management, essential qualities in an increasingly globalised market.

Fipal in the World

Fipal, packaging machine manufacturer, exported its own technology in more than 15 Countries all around Europe, Asia, South America and Africa.
Specializing not just in the beverage, but also in the food and chemical fields.

In the last decade FIPAL implemented an internationalization policy which made it get to other Countries such as East Europe, Middle East, South-East Asia and South America.

The strategy for the future consists in strenghtening more and more our relations with these Countries and in expanding the sales network even where Fipal hasn’t got so far.


Some of the most renowned companies we had the great pleasure to work with

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